Redesigned Windows Vista Team Blog – Bringing Sexy Back.

Jim Allchin (Co-President of Microsoft Windows at Microsoft), announced the launch of the newly redesigned Vista Team Blog, incorporating innovative elements such as rich media (Video and Visuals) to fit the look and feel of the Company’s upcoming release of Windows.

I like the change, but honestly don’t appreciate the background wallpaper, I think its very rough and out of place with the product itself, it needs a human touch. The earlier green grass blade wallpaper would have been nice which was used in the WinHec and Beta 1/interim releases. I am sure you will appreciate the mature look and feel that drifts away from the Company’s technical MSDN Blogs history which is what I would describe as bland.

Here’s a quote from Jim Allchin


Welcome to the new and improved Windows Vista blog.  A few months back, I pushed our team to bring the blog from the blogging Dark Ages into something a little more modern.  The blog back then wasn’t quite doing the job.  Postings were infrequent, and the site wasn’t particularly helpful.

In May, the team really turned the corner and today we’re launching the newly updated look and feel.  I hope you’ll agree it’s a big improvement.  It incorporates some key parts of the Windows Vista visuals.  We’ve also improved the organization of the site, so things should be easier to find.  The team’s providing great information, and I’m happy to see the comments and feedback from the community through the comments on the site.  I read these regularly, as do many others in the Windows leadership team, so please keep the feedback coming."

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3 responses to “Redesigned Windows Vista Team Blog – Bringing Sexy Back.

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